============= autoFS Module ============= Description : - This module is used for features selection: * Automate the feature selection with several selectors * Evaluate the outputs from all selector methods, and ranked a final list of the top important features .. image:: Parallel_Coordinates_Plot.png :width: 980 - Class: * dynaFS_clf : Focus on classification problems - fit() - fit and transform method for classifier * dynaFS_reg : Focus on regression problems - fit() - fit and transform method for regressor - Current available selectors * clf_fs : Class focusing on classification features selection - kbest_f : SelectKBest() with f_classif core - kbest_chi2 - SelectKBest() with chi2 core - rfe_lr - RFE with LogisticRegression() estimator - rfe_svm - RFE with SVC() estimator - rfecv_svm - RFECV with SVC() estimator - rfe_tree - RFE with DecisionTreeClassifier() estimator - rfecv_tree - RFECV with DecisionTreeClassifier() estimator - rfe_rf - RFE with RandomForestClassifier() estimator - rfecv_rf - RFECV with RandomForestClassifier() estimator * reg_fs : Class focusing on regression features selection - kbest_f : SelectKBest() with f_regression core - rfe_svm : RFE with SVC() estimator - rfecv_svm : RFECV with SVC() estimator - rfe_tree : RFE with DecisionTreeRegressor() estimator - rfecv_tree : RFECV with DecisionTreeRegressor() estimator - rfe_rf : RFE with RandomForestRegressor() estimator - rfecv_rf : RFECV with RandomForestRegressor() estimator dynaFS_clf --------------------- .. autoclass:: optimalflow.autoFS.dynaFS_clf :members: dynaFS_reg --------------------- .. autoclass:: optimalflow.autoFS.dynaFS_reg :members: clf_fs --------------------- .. autoclass:: optimalflow.selectorFS.clf_fs reg_fs --------------------- .. autoclass:: optimalflow.selectorFS.reg_fs